Rating drama korea the heirs
Rating drama korea the heirs

rating drama korea the heirs

The chemistry between the two main characters was non-existent, and Park Shin Hye proved herself (at least to me) to have been a very poor casting selection for the role as she was dull and brought nothing to it. If there would be any reason I'd have to recommend to you, dear reader, to watch this, It would be him. This had nothing to do with how the story went, but with how well Kim Woo Bin played his character.

rating drama korea the heirs

Something strange happened, though, and it's that I came to completely root for the bad character. Love cannot be the "moment" of anything!!! It's an emotion, damn you! A chorus of a song that will haunt you in your dreams and make you want to punch your computer screen as soon at you hear its impending arrival. No wait, a horrible, horrible chorus of a song THAT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE. You know how 1 song plays on the radio 7 times in one day? Yea, but imagine that 1 song playing 7 times within just an hour. You remember in Dragonball Z how there would be almost like 5 minutes of the characters doing nothing but standing around staring at one another? Yea, that sucks. Could they possibly get anymore in? Was there a contest for Drama With Most Cliches happening somewhere? But worst of all, it went from just your usual amount of cliches to being riddled with cliches. wasted on pathetic dialogue and pointless scenes.

rating drama korea the heirs

It's like the writer wrote themselves into a corner just after the first five episodes. Then, out of nowhere, the storyline starts to fall apart at the seams. It seemed it could possibly surprise you a bit, and then you set yourself up with great expectations. What started off as just your normal cliche' filled K-drama, appeared to be a pretty decent story. I'll know it's deceitful lure tactic and to stay away. Next time they stuff a show to the gills with so many extremely attractive faces, I'll know what's up.

rating drama korea the heirs

I won't fall for this cruel and mean trick ever again. I always hated it, I never loved it, but I couldn't let it go for anything. It was some type of addictive drug with terrible side effects.

Rating drama korea the heirs